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Lumberg Automation

Lumberg Automation LOGO

Lumberg Automation is a Belden brand. Belden and its family of brands design, manufacture and sell a comprehensive portfolio of cable, connectivity and networking products for the transmission of signals for data, sound and video applications. These highly differentiated, high-performance products can be found in a variety of markets including industrial, enterprise and broadcast.

නිෂ්පාදන කාණ්ඩය

වර්ගීකරණය නොකළ

බැටරි නිෂ්පාදන

දෘඩාංග, ගාංචු, උපාංග

පරීක්ෂණය සහ මිනුම්

කාර්මික ස්වයංක්‍රීයකරණය සහ පාලන
